Sunday, October 21, 2007

S3 - Internationalen Briefmarken-Messe Essen (2004) Stamp Show

As we continue our tour of Scott 853-857, the next UNO personalized sheet appeared at the Essen 2004 stamp show. This surprise sheet was issued on 3 June 2004, and only 2,500 sheets were printed. It completely sold out, but I do not know the date of sell out. If anyone has that information, I'm hoping they'll share it with everyone else.

Interestingly, there are some mock-up scans floating around on the Internet that show different stamps than the "as issued" sheet. The image is shown below for reference purposes:

Note the revered image of the General Assembly stamp. At first, collector's were wondering if this was some type of strange error. However, this is just a pre-production mock-up and no sheets were issued with this configuration (at least until the Student sheet was issued!). There are other differences in the other stamps as well.

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